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Priority 2: A Confident Team

Staff Wellbeing

“A happy, safe, productive and supportive community in which to work and learn”​

All staff are proud to be a part of the federation and consider themselves to be a part of one big team with shared values, purpose and goals. They know they are valued and feel supported to carry out the work they need to do. Staff have appropriate autonomy and are empowered to bring their knowledge and experience to their role. There are plenty of opportunities for staff to work and mix across both schools. Staff culture fosters open-ness and trust and enables staff to take appropriate risks and to be ambitious for themselves and for the federation. ​

The federation has a clear and consistent approach to supporting staff mental health and wellbeing. The staff team are aware of their own responsibility for supporting their own mental health and wellbeing and where to go to should they need further help. The senior leadership team consider the impact on staff wellbeing of any new initiatives, practices and procedures in order to reduce any unnecessary workload or pressure. ​

Staff are encouraged and enabled to develop professionally through a robust programme of professional development and appraisal. Professional development is held in high regard by all staff. ​