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Federation Improvement Priorities

As a federation we have set five main priorities for improvement for 2023 - 2026 in order to be able to support all of our children and our wider community to be successful together.

This year we have shared the idea that 'bumblebees fly anyway'. As a united team across the federation, we know that some of our children have more challenges than others even in their earliest years and might be beginning with us from low starting points. We believe passionately that although learning may look harder for some of these children, it is our job and unswerving intention to help them all to 'fly'. Our improvement plan is driven by this. 

For each area of improvement, we have established what we want our federation to look like and described our intention. We have already made significant progress towards each of  priorities; we regularly review how we are doing and update our actions accordingly.

Improved outcomes for all

A confident team

An effective culture

High expectations for every child

Strategic leadership and effective governance

Our federation improvement plan is based on rigorous self-evaluation of both of our schools to identify areas for development and improvement.