Priority 3: An effective culture
Behaviour, culture and ethos
"A calm, purposeful and safe community of learning where the whole child is nurtured to achieve."
Children are happy, calm and settled. They feel a deep sense of belonging. All relationships in the federation are rooted in confidence, kindness, inclusion, respect and community. Children enjoy being successful and have the confidence to take risks and make mistakes. They are active participants in their learning with dreams and aspirations of their own. Children see the value in learning and have the skills to approach learning and challenge with confidence.
There is a strong sense of community across the federation with older and younger children mixing and learning together. Children take on responsibilities and leadership from the very beginning of their time in the federation which encourages pride in their school and community. Parents understand the school expectations and are active, valued participants in their child's development and the wider school community.
Learning is not limited to academic subjects, children routinely take part in activities and experiences which enable them to develop holistically, they understand that this is just as important as maths and English. Staff have high expectations for all children, no child is referred to as 'low ability' and all children are supported to be successful every day.